Dr Tina Ko


Dr Tina Ko is a staff specialist at Monash Health. She was awarded her MBBS with Honours at Monash University, and completed her rheumatologist specialist training at Monash Health, Austin Health, and Northern Health. 

Dr Ko has clinical interests in several areas of adult rheumatology including inflammatory arthritis, connective tissue disorders, osteoarthritis, musculoskeletal disorders, and complex rheumatic diseases. Her research interests also include immunocompromised infections in rheumatology patients. 

Dr Ko is bilingual and speaks fluent Mandarin. She believes in a holistic, patient-centred approach to medical care.

Outside of work, Dr Ko enjoys hiking, cycling and travelling. 


Ko T, Koelmeyer R, Li N, Yap K, Yeo A, Kent J, Pellicano R, Golder V, Kitching A, Morand E, Hoi A. (2022) Predictors of infection requiring hospitalization in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a time-to-event analysis, Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism. 

Ko T, Dendle C, Woolley I, Morand E, Antony A. (2021) SARS-COV-2 vaccine acceptance in patients with rheumatic diseases: a cross-sectional study, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 

Ko T, Seah C, Gilbertson M, McQuilten Z, Opat S, Dendle C. (2021) A Description of the Type, Frequency and Severity of Infections Among Sixteen Patients Treated for T-Cell Lymphoma. Journal of Haematology. Vol 10, Issue 3: 123-129.

Ko T, Yeo AL, Luu S, Dendle C, Woolley I, Morand E, Hoi A Routine Testing for hyposplenism in a lupus clinical diagnoses; new cases and opportunities for intervention. Lupus. 2021 Jan 26

Golder V, Ooi JJY, Antony AS, Ko T, Morton S, Kandane-Rathnayake R, Morand EF, Hoi AY. (2017) “Discordance of Patient and Physician Health Status Concerns in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus”. Lupus Journal.

Antony A, Kandane-Rathnayake RK, Ko T, Boulos D, Hoi AY, Jolly M,  Morand EF. (2016) “Validation of the Lupus Impact Tracker in an Australian Patient Cohort”. Lupus Journal.

Deshpande S, Ko T, Roberts E, Lau JS, Horne K, Williams J, Kiss C, Ratnam D, Woolley I. (2015) “Tenofovir therapy for Hepatitis B may be commonly prescribed without HIV testing.” Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, Vol 71, Issue 2: P53-54.

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